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Empowerment of the underprivileged

Psychological Tools You Can Employ To Empower Women And Children

Despite making a significant contribution to the population, women, and children around the world are subjected to prejudice and disparity. It is high time countries wake up to the situation and take measures to empower women and children

We have listed below the top tools that can help developing nations improve the condition of their women and children alike. You can do this individually or join an NGO working for women’s empowerment and children.

1. Create a Safe Place

Did you know that everyone out of three women has been subjected to either verbal, emotional, or physical abuse? Moreover, every 5th homicide that takes place is on children and adolescents below the age of 20 years. These nerve-racking stats call for immediate action to create a safer place for women and children.

2. Encourage Mobility and Independence

Modern-day women seek independence. They are aware of their rights and want to pursue their hobbies and passions like their male counterparts. Still, they are bound to obey their family rules. They are not encouraged to move out of their comfort zones and explore their dreams. It is high time countries and their governments work on this front and make provisions for their independence and mobility. 

3. Support Women and Children in Crisis

Millions of women and children are subjected to assaults, gender biases, kidnappings, trafficking, and other heinous crimes every year. And the saddest part is that even the law of the land is unable to provide them with 100% protection. As responsible citizens, we all should support and help these people in crisis. Proper medical care, self-defense training, education, and counseling are some of the promising measures that can help here.

4. Create Awareness

Do you know the most heartbreaking part about women and children in the world? Many are not even aware of their basic rights. This lack of awareness is taking a toll on their progress and economic independence. Therefore, the government, along with the best NGOs and other human rights organizations, should take measures to educate women about their rights. This will strengthen their economic and social status in the nation. You, being an individual, can also support the cause by finding an ‘NGO for women’s rights near me’ or an organization that works for underprivileged children.

5. Focus on Health

According to National Family Health Survey, around 22.9% of the women in India between the reproductive age of 14 to 48 years are underweight. Imagine the state of women in underdeveloped countries. That’s not all. Over 149.2 million children in the world are malnourished as of 2020. One of the best ways to empower both of them is by giving them the gift of health. Intensive nutrition programs should be introduced by the state and central governments. Apart from this, the government should also promote the consumption of organically grown fruits and vegetables for malnourished women and children. 

6. Boost Self Esteem and Confidence

Lack of education and lack of economic independence takes a toll on the confidence and self-esteem of a person. And it is what has happened with women and children around the world. We need to make them feel confident so that they can make their life choices and lead respectable lives. Moreover, we should also encourage them to come out of their homes, read books, participate in public forums and raise their voice against injustice. We should motivate them to come forward and handle crucial leadership and decision-making roles.

These are the essential measures that can help empower women and children around the world. A strong woman will raise stronger children. And this way, we can together build a strong nation. Remember, together, we can help them come out of their hardships and assist them in leading a healthy and independent life.